beyond the shape

mostra in Romania

Dear Lino Alviani,

Art Museum of Constanta from Romania, invites you to attend, as a visual artist, in an exhibition commemorating the 2000 years of the death of the Latin poet Publius Ovidius Naso. This exhibition will travel exile achieved to this great poet.

Considered, along with Horace and Virgil, one of the classics of Latin literature, he was born in Rome, Italy and died in Tomis, Constanta of today, in Romania, after an exile which lasted eight years, ruled by Emperor Augustus.

Constanta Art Museum will implement during April to September 2017, a project that aims to establish an exhibition inspired by the poet's work. The exhibition will bring together works of art by 20 artists from Italy, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania, which will be inspired by the writings of the great poet, and will be carried out on paper, in graphic art technique. Each artist will perform three original works of art. The exhibition will travel to eight cities in four countries, restoring exile traveled Ovidius from Rome to Tomis, namely: Sulmona (Sulmo), Rome, Brindisi (Brundisium), Corinth (Koryntos), Nessebar (Mesembria), Balchik (Dionysopolis), Mangalia (Callatis) and Constanta (Tomis). The exhibitions will be opened in spaces within museums or other cultural institutions in the eight cities proposed as landmarks to commemorate the road of exile of Publius Ovidius Naso. It will be printed, also a bilingual exhibition catalog each country.

The works of art will be inspired by the work of the poet Ovid, and will be carried out on paper, field of graphics, whatever techniques. Each artist will perform three original works of art, one size 100cm / 70cm and two 70cm size / 50cm. The exposures will begin in May 2017 therefore the works of art should be handed over Art Museum Constanta to April 1, 2017 to be included in the catalog of exhibition. Each artist will receive 500 euro in the project. Regarding the three works of art that each artist will perform one will remain in the patrimony of the Art Museum of Constanta and the other two will be returned to artists after the exhibition. Constanta Art Museum will have the assignment to reproduce each of the two works of art.

From Italy three artists will participate in the project, and your name is written among the names on the list that we received from the office of the mayor of Sulmona.

Please answer our invitation and confirm your willingness to participate in this cultural project as soon as possible!

I look forward to your response!

Doina Păuleanu


Constanta Art Museum

La Mostra itinerante internazionale “LA STRADA DELL’ESILIO”, da Sulmo a Tomis

Il Museo d'Arte di Costanza ha organizzato laMostra itinerante Drumul Exilului, The Road to exile, La Strada dell’esilio per commemorare i 2000 anni della morte del poeta latino Publio Ovidio Nasone ripercorrendo dal mese di aprile a quello di settembre 2017 le tappe dell’esilio del poeta. 

La finalità della mostra è di riunire opere d’arte inedite ispirate a temi ovidiani di 20 artisti provenienti da Italia, Grecia, Bulgaria e Romania e di farle ospitare da otto città di quattro differenti Paesi: Sulmona (Sulmo), Roma, Brindisi (Brundisium), Corinto (Koryntos - Grecia), Nessebar (Mesembria - Bulgaria), Balchik (Dionysopolis - Bulgaria), Mangalia (Callatis - Romania) e Costanza (Tomis - Romania); in tal modo verrà rievocato il viaggio dell’esilio del poeta attraverso occasioni d’arte. 

L’Italia è rappresentata nella manifestazione da tre artisti locali, recenti protagonisti del progetto Metamorphosis. Beyond the Shape: Lino Alviani di Castel di Sangro, Arturo Faiella di Sulmona e Yoselin Giovani di Popoli. 

L’inaugurazione dell’intero percorso della mostra avverrà il 15 maggio 2017 proprio a Sulmona, città natale del poeta, con la proiezione di un breve video di 3’ su Costanza e una performance teatrale ispirata alle Metamorfosi di Ovidio. 

Cinque artisti provenienti dalla Romania saranno ospiti della Città di Sulmona. La mostra sarà aperta tutti i giorni, dal 15 al 20 maggio, con orari 11.00/13.00, 17.00 /19.00. 

Tale evento, dall’altissimo significato culturale e promozionale per la città ovidiana, è stata organizzato in collaborazione dal Comune di Sulmona, dalla Commissione organizzatrice di Ovidio 2017 e dall’Associazione Socio-culturale “Ovidiu” di Sulmona.


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